

Hallowe’en 2024!

Tuesday Oct 15 -7pm
St. John’s Storytelling 2024 Festival Launch & 20th Birthday Party!
Facebook Live!
Host: Dale Jarvis 
Tellers: Gary Green, Mary Fearon, Anita Best

Wednesday Oct 16 – 6pm
Spooky Evening with Dale Jarvis
Michael Donovan Library
Admission is free, but pre registration required
Email michaeldonovan@nlpl.ca or call 709-737-2621

Wednesday, October 23  & Thursday, October 24 – 7:30 pm 
St. John’s Haunted Hike and Admiralty House Communications Museum
Be Still, My Heart – A Night of Ghostly Tales of Love Gone Wrong
With storyteller Dale Jarvis
The Annex at Admiralty House Communications Museum
Tickets required, available at https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/be-still-my-heart-2024-tickets-1014423747737 

Sunday, October 27 to Wednesday, October 30
Hallowe’en Haunted Hike!
We are back with our favourite stories for another spooky Hallowe’en season. Join this ghostly walking tour through the historic and haunted streets of St. John’s downtown core, with old fashioned storytelling at its dramatic and spine-tingling best. It offers a compelling mix of drama, passion, horror, humour and suspense, guaranteed to provide an unforgettable night of chills and thrills. Limited tickets!

Thursday, October 31 – Hallowe’en Night! – 7pm-9pm
The VOCM 4th Annual Haunted Hotline
Listen and phone in with your haunted or ghostly experiences!

Can’t attend in person? No worry! On demand any time – Virtual Campfire

Welcome to the City of Legends, in North America’s oldest city. Perched on the sides of the hills surrounding St. John’s harbour, and often wreathed in the misty fog that drifts in off the North Atlantic, St. John’s is steeped in history… and the paranormal… Dark alleys and laneways wind through the heart of the historic downtown area, and in the shadows lurk the shades of yesteryear.

A group of spooky-looking men stand in front of an old stone cathedral

Walking through the town, one is surrounded by the memories of public hangings, duels, and horrific murders, passing over forgotten cemeteries and unmarked graves, past buildings known to be visited by those who have passed over to the other side… Vengeful lovers, murdered soldiers, and mysterious fires await those who are brave enough to explore the secrets that lie in wait in St. John’s darkest corners.

This is the St. John’s Haunted Hike ghost tour – the walking tour for those who love some mystery with their history!

Join us, if you dare.

Gratuities Policy
Tipping your haunted host is not expected, but if you loved the tour, feel free to show your appreciation. Guides keep 100% of the tips they make.

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